Friday, July 12, 2013

Helping our MATH students through EXERCISE!

Please join me in a Move and Learn Journey.  Paul Zientarski talks about how we can use PE Class and Math Class to work together to help our students.   Paul Zientarski was the PE Department Chair at Naperville Central High School for many years.  He was the pioneer along with Phil Lawler for the Learning Readiness PE Program (LRPE).  More information is at his website  There a a few videos that you will find very interesting.  I have listed them here:

Why do kids do better in school after exercise? 
What happens to your brain after you exercise? 
A Program that has PE directly before MATH and ENGLISH Classes: LRPE 
What Steps Should a PE Teacher take to start a LRPE (Learning Readiness Physical Education) Prog
What is the Ideal PE class to help students physically and academically? 
There is tremendous value in heart rate monitors in school part 1 
There is tremendous value in heart rate monitors in school part 2 
There are challenges when implementing the LRPE prgram 
What a student should do BEFORE their Standardized Test. 
What roles do the Administrator and Classroom Teacher play in the LRPE program 

Paul Zientarski is a retired PE Teacher and Instructional Coordinator at Naperville Central High School in Naperville IL.  He along with Phil Lawler are the pioneers of the "Learning Readiness P.E. program.  This is where students take an activity based PE class before their core academic classes like Math and English.  He is a speaker and consultant.  You can follow Paul at @PaulZientarski on twitter.  His website is at