How do you do this?
1. Sign up for Google account. If you have a gmail account, then you already have a google account.
2. Go to Google Drive.
3. Make a folder for your class. For example Precalculus Student Folder Do this by clicking the RED CREATE button and then click Folder naming it as you wish.
4. Make sure this folder is public. Right click on the folder itself and then click share. Or check mark the folder, and then click on More at the top drop down box and click SHARE. Change the access to PUBLIC. At the same time grab the link for the folder.
5. Use the link on a blog or web-page that you own. Just paste it to a location that the students can easily get to. I like to make it smaller at This is an easy site that you can shorten long urls to be your own unique name. Of course it will have at the beginning. I have renamed a url calendar at
6. Download Google Drive onto your laptop. This will enable you to store files directly to your folder on your laptop and thus straight to your students.
7. Now, you can start putting things into this folder. Remember that anything you put into this folder can be seen by your students. You can actually put word files, pictures, powerpoints, movie clips and pdfs. I would start by creating unit folders within this master folder. Things like Chapter 1 Functions. They will all have public permissions because your master folder is already public. Here is the best thing of all. Whenever you make a worksheet, simply drop a copy into your Student Folder on your Google Drive and your students will be able to access it. Give it a try and let me know how it turns out.